





Zhengzhou Finance and Economics College has a unique educational style, which emphasizes both theoretical knowledge and practical skills for students. The college encourages students to participate in various social practice activities, such as internships, volunteer work, and entrepreneurial competitions. This approach helps students gain valuable experience that is essential for their future careers.


In recent years, Zhengzhou Finance and Economics College has actively engaged in international cooperation with institutions from all over the world. It has established partnerships with universities in countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia and Japan to promote academic exchanges and joint research projects between teachers and students from different countries.


Looking ahead to the future of Zhengzhou Finance & Economics College will continue to evolve with the changing economic landscape of China's Belt Road Initiative (BRI) expansion plans are expected to create new opportunities for both domestic businesses as well as global trade partners alike; thus providing an exciting prospectus of learning experiences through cross-cultural exchange programs designed specifically around these emerging markets trends while fostering long-lasting connections among faculty members across nations worldwide
