Sony 7C与7III相比之下有哪些差异据sony官网所述

在选择Sony α7C还是α7III时,许多摄影爱好者都面临着纠结。简单来说,如果你更倾向于日常记录、旅行拍摄和视频创作,小编会推荐α7C;而如果你追求更出色的操控感受和专业级别的体验,那么α7III或许会是你的首选。不过,无论何时购买,这款设备都值得拥有,因为它可以立即带给你满意的拍照体验。如果你不急于使用,可以稍后再等待,看看是否有更适合自己的新品推出。

两款相机的基本信息如下:α7C对应Alpha 7C(ILCE-7C),而α7III对应Alpha 7III(ILCE-7M3)。 α7C提供了黑色和银黑两种配色选择。在京东自营商城,你可以找到这些相机的促销价,其中单机身版本价格分别为12499元(α7C)和11899元(α七III)。至于配套镜头,alpha 700系列包括FE 28-60/4-5.6套装,而alpha 7000系列则有FE 28-70/3.5-5.6 OSS套装,以及FE 28-60/4-5.6套装。虽然这两个焦距都无法提供与手机完全不同的视觉效果,但它们仍然非常实用。

图像处理方面,alpha C增加了4:3和1:1画面比例,并据说在捕捉人像肤色的科学性上也有所改进。对于对焦性能,alpha C支持实时追踪AF,并且通过识别画面信息及AI技术来提高锁定被摄对象的能力。此外,它在弱光环境下的自动对焦表现优于其竞争者。

快门速度方面,both cameras have a maximum shutter speed of 1/8000 second, but the alpha C has an additional mechanical shutter option with a top speed of 1/4000 second and an electronic front curtain shutter option for improved image quality in low-light conditions.

In terms of video capabilities, both cameras offer impressive features such as real-time eye AF and continuous tracking during video recording. The alpha C also offers advanced autofocus performance with seven levels of AF switching speed and five levels of AF tracking sensitivity, outperforming the alpha III's three levels and two levels respectively.

Other notable features include the ability to record unlimited videos without any time limit on the alpha C, support for digital audio via MI interface for reduced noise when using external microphones, customizable file names for easier organization during post-production editing process.

Finally, while both cameras are built with durable metal bodies featuring reliable screw-in lens mounts (six screws on the alpha III compared to four on the alpha c), they differ in their ergonomics - The smaller size and lighter weight of the Alpha C come at a cost to control dials & custom buttons; whereas larger body provides more room for controls like AEL button & focus ring.

Thus we can see that Sony Alpha series offers users numerous options depending on their needs - whether it be professional-grade image quality or portability & ease-of-use during daily shooting situations!
