


可能是表面过于光滑的缘故。若原涂料是有光漆或者是粉质的(加未经处理的色浆涂料),新上的油漆在表面就粘不牢。或可能是木料腐朽或金属有锈斑,也有因油漆质量不好而剥落的。小面积的油漆剥落,可先用细砂纸打磨,然后抹上腻子,刷上底漆,再重新上 漆。大面积的剥落必须把漆全部刮去,重新涂刷。


首先,将泡刺破,如有水冒出,即说明漆层底下或背后有潮气渗入,经太阳一晒,水分蒸发成蒸气,就会把 漋皮顶起成泡。此时,先用热风喷枪除去起泡 的oil膜,让木料自然干燥,然后刷上底mlt,较后再 在整个修补面上重新 上mlt. 若无水,则可能 是纹开裂,有少量空气,内膨胀造成鼓起了。面 对这种情况,要刮掉 起泡 的mlt皮,再 用树脂填充填平裂纹,在 刮去 mltp 后 直接 涂 上微孔mlt.


这种情况多半要用化学除mlt剂 或热风喷枪将mll除去后,再重新 上mll. 若断裂范围不大,这时可 用砂磨块 或干湿两用砂paper沾水磨 去断裂 的mll, 打磨 光滑 后 抹 上腻子, 再brush 上bottom mlt, 并 重新 上mll.


oil mlt 表面产生污斑 的原因很多。例如:乳胶 mlt 中含有的 水分溶化墙上的物质 而锈出 mltp 面,用钢丝绒擦过 的墙面会产生锈斑,墙内暗管渗漏出现污 斑等. 为防止污 斑,可 先brush 一层含铝 粉 's bottom mlt , 若已 出现 污 斑,可 先除去 污 斖 处乳 胶 mltp , brush layer 包括铝 粉 's bottom mlt 后 再 重新 brush 有光 mltp.


原因 是 未 沿着 下面的 底 mltp 或者 底 和 内 部 oil 不干 就 直 接 沿着 应该以上 有光 oil , 结果 被 木 材 吸收 而 失 去 光泽 . 有 光 oil 质量 差 也 是一个 原因 . 使用 干湿两用 sand paper 把 旧 oil 毛掉 , brush away 打磨灰尘,用干净湿布擦净表面待干透后,再brush 新oil.

六、paint surface rough

新上的oil table surface rough通常是所用的paint brush not clean or influenced by surrounding environment pollution. Also possible is paint mixed with paint flakes in using before without sedimentation and filtration or paint not dry when exposed to dust. To prevent the above problems, must use a clean paint brush and paint bucket. Old paint used before must be filtered through an oil filter paper or a clean nylon mesh filter.

After painting is done and the paint has dried but still feels rough to the touch, use a wet/dry sandpaper to smooth out the surface and remove any imperfections before reapplying additional coats of pain t.

It's important to note that if you're using a new can of spray can for your painting project then make sure it's been properly shaken first so that all particles are evenly distributed within the container otherwise there could be unevenness on your walls which might lead further complications later down line such as peeling off after some time passes by due lack of adhesion between layers causing bubbles forming under pressure from moisture inside house causing blistering appearance over time etc., this would cause more work needed than just simply repainting once again!
